Research & Planning essay
How have you developed in your Research & Planning skills across the 2 years? At AS I produced a hip hop/r & b music magazine and at A2 I am in the process of completing my horror teaser trailer. Research helps to expand your understanding of something and planning is used to make sure the actual product is executed successfully. However this effects creativity as I am limited and can only re imagine something and input a new idea. In AS I had no idea how to make a music magazine and meet the expectations of a Target Audience as I did not understand the reason certain aspects that make up a magazine (conventions) were put in place. In addition I had not done my research and planning effectively and looked at many other magazines, as a result of this I mainly used my imagination of what I thought a magazine should look like. However in A2 I now know the reasons behind certain conventions and have done my research and planning thoroughly and looking at theories has